A business valuation is a critical tool for succession planning, whether you’re hoping to sell or looking forward to retirement. If you don’t have a good grasp of your business’s value, you may have false expectations for the future, or greatly underestimate how much your business could fetch on the open market. An accurate value can also help you identify tax-saving strategies. Here’s what you need to know about this important planning tool.
When Might I Need a Valuation?
Sooner or later, all businesses need a professional evaluation. The reasons for this might include:
How to Determine Business Value
As with all things, value is ultimately in the eye of the beholder. There are several different options for determining the value of the business, including:
What About Determining Taxable Value?
Determining the taxable value of a business is a little different, since you do not want to over-value the company, but you also do not want to land in trouble with the IRS. The IRS can challenge your valuation if it is not reasonable, so it is wise to enlist the assistance of a valuation expert.
Can I Use an Old Appraisal?
You already have a lot to manage as a business owner. You may think the easiest way to handle valuation is to use an old appraisal and hope for the best. Don’t do this—especially if the old appraisal was done for a different purpose from that for which you seek an appraisal now. The valuation method will change depending on your purpose, and value always shifts with time. Your company may be a very different company than what it was even a few years ago. A new appraisal is more reliable, and gives you the most actionable information.