Neri Capital Partners has developed a buy-side business search process to offer potential Buyers to acquire a business that meets their specifications. Neri Capital Partners proven process will identify the business that meets our client’s specifications. Also, the businesses that we identify for you are not on the public market.
Using a database, we select all businesses that meet our client’s specifications, including geographic location. With the seller’s prospect list complete, Neri Capital Partners contacts each potential Seller. If the Seller is interested in learning more, Neri Capital Partners execute a confidentiality agreement with the seller and requests qualitative and quantitative information. With the Seller’s information, we write and an executive summary for our client. The executive summary has adequate information for our client to make a go/no go decision. If it is a go decision the Buyer and Neri Capital Partners meet with the seller and their management team, draft a LOI, and coordinate all due diligence information. If asked by Buyer, Neri Capital Partners will retain counsel to draft and negotiate the definitive purchase agreement with Buyer and Buyer Counsel. The buy-side business search process takes 7-9 months.